Hi everybody!
So, it has been a while since I posted. I need to get better at this thing. So, what I have I been up to? Sadly, not as much in the hobby as I would hope. I got into a car accident in late August which in some odd way may have helped me out. I found out I have several blown discs and after the accident, I had some issues using my right hand. So that took all of September out of the mix. On the plus side, 'distance makes the heart grow fonder.' I wasn't far away from my models but I just looked at them as I passed them. So, without further delay, here is some of my work. While at Cold Wars... Err Fall In! We got 8 inches of snow but before that, I was able to get some much needed time in with my Soviet Tanks. I have wanted to do a Red Army since I got back into Flames of War and I got some cool reasons to get into the red tide. So, like all good generals, I started with some armor. Now, by some, I mean over 5,000 points worth. As you can see below, this is the end of Night #2. Check it out!

In the above picture, you can see 20 T-34s, 15 T-34/85s, 3 KV-1e, 9 Mk. IVs (Churchill IIIs) and Kommisar Dedov. Not seen in the picture because of my small nightstand is the 11 IS-2s. Yep, I have a hobby issue.
Now, before I headed to Fall In! I got to spend some time doing something I loved as a kid. Carving Pumpkins! I got to sit with my almost two year old daughter and cut out one of her favorite cartoon characters on a Punkie, as Shae calls them. The first is the nearly finished Work in Progress, the second is Punkie Grouper outside in the candlelight.

So, over the next few weeks, you will see some of the following on my Blog:
-Recreation of the Soviet Army in 15mm (Flames of War)
-Necrons- Warhammer 40,000
-Retribution of Scryth- Warmachine
-28mm Soviets- Game to be found... Any good WWII 28mm Skirmish games?
-28mm Austrians- Warhammer Ancients Waterloo- this is a 100% test.
So, if you haven't seen a post from me in a week, shoot me an email and tell me to get on the ball!